Updated April 23rd:
Due to a delay from the carpet manufacturer we have to move the carpet installation back to May 10 – 13. Because of this we will now be closed May 10 – 13 for the installation rather than the first week of May. We will operate with normal hours May 3 – 6. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Closed May 10-13 for new carpet/tile installation.

Over the next several weeks you will notice a few minor changes around the store. We are in the process of repainting a few areas during weekdays while we prepar for a much bigger update come the beginning of May, new carpet.
The carpet we currently have in the store is over 30 years old in spots. While several people have said “It’s not terrible,” we notice some heavily trafficked areas need to be replaced. In order to accomplish this in a timely manner, we will be closed May 10 – 13 while new carpet is installed throughout the entire store and new tile is laid at the entrance.
Please make sure if there is something you need from us at the beginning of May you stop in before May 3rd to grab those items. All internet order will also be delayed during that time while items are being moved around the store for the carpet installers and not easily accessible.